I run. I eat. I travel.

Posts tagged ‘panic’

I’ll TRI to tell you a funny story

…without too many bad puns like the above.

So… I wanted to sign up for the sprint distance (sprint distance, this is key here!) of Vienna’s City Triathlon – but just as I got my sh…shivering nerves together, the women’s spots were sold out.

Oh well, I figured a nicely pleading email can’t hurt anyone, and so I was put onto the waiting list. Without too much thinking (obviously) I opted to be put on both waiting lists.

A week later, my confirmation for the OLYMPIC DISTANCE arrived.

Since then I’m unsuccessfully trying to tell myself not to panic.

But… AHHHHH!!!


After the wonderful training camp with Lothar and Nicole Leder I’m incredibly motivated, but the distance still freaks me out. Also… the race is in 3 weeks.


Just as I’m writing this, I’m having one of those ‘what the hell was I thinking’ moments – but they seem to come around pretty regularly since the race registration. Oh well.

On the topic of ‘what am/was I thinking’ there’s also this weekend’s plan, that fits in pretty perfectly with the ‘am I completely or just partly crazy’ issues I seem to be having.

Tomorrow at 5AM I’ll leave for Nike’s ‘We own the night‘ race in Berlin – and I am beyond excited. We’ll run a 10k together, enjoy a fun concert by Cro and head back at night to arrive back in Vienna around 10-11AM next morning.

That day, however, I’ve signed up for a cross run starting at noon in Vienna – before I knew about the Berlin race.

And to top it off, there’s the huge Women’s Run on Sunday.


On a completely unrelated note: I wish I hadn’t caught a cold this week with all the exam stressing.

Keep your fingers crossed. I need it.